10th Lunar Day – The Fountain

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

A multi-layered fountain drips water into its base layer in front of the moon at night surrounded by flowers

The 10th Lunar Day: The Fountain

The 10th Lunar Day is a time marked by the symbol of the Fountain. This day offers a wealth of opportunities, from renewal to profound reflection. As we journey through the Waxing Gibbous phase of the moon, the energies of the universe provide a unique backdrop for personal and spiritual endeavors. The Fountain symbolizes a day of rest, but it’s not a rest borne from exhaustion or a desire for escape. It’s a conscious pause, a moment to recharge, akin to the ceaseless water that flows from the fountain, invigorating and refreshing all that it touches.

On this day, both celestial and earthly energies are aligned, granting us a golden opportunity to delve deep into our inner selves and rediscover new sources of energy. This is not just another day on the lunar calendar but a special one, often deemed lucky in various traditions. Imagine it as a wellspring of untapped potential, where the energies not only fill you but overflow, reaching every corner of your life, from your personal goals to your relationships with family and the world at large.

This is a day particularly well-suited for introspection. The concept of karma is often highlighted, encouraging you to consider the repercussions of your actions, not just for yourself but for the interconnected web of life. Your choices, your decisions, your past and future all come into focus. It’s a day to get rooted, to contemplate your family tree, to explore traditions, and to reflect on your lineage and how it has shaped you. In other words, you don’t just skim the surface; you go deep.

And as you explore these depths, you may find hidden reserves of energy, untapped sources of inspiration, and a newfound understanding of your own capabilities. This is a time to renew, to set clear objectives, and to align your actions with your deeper aspirations. While business endeavors and new projects are often favored on this day, the emphasis remains on creating a balanced life that acknowledges both your worldly pursuits and inner contentment.

So, set aside some time for this potent day. Whether you are considering starting a new business venture or focusing on personal growth, the 10th Lunar Day offers a wealth of opportunities for renewal, reflection, and even luck. It’s a day that calls you to be in touch with yourself and your roots, to draw from the fountain of universal energy, and to step into the world with renewed clarity and purpose. Welcome to the 10th Lunar Day, where the possibilities are as abundant as the water that flows from its symbolic fountain.

Quick Facts

Symbol: The Fountain
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

  1. A day for thoughtful rest
  2. Time to find new sources of energy
  3. A reflective period to explore yourself
  4. Ideal for meditation on your karma
  5. A day to clarify life goals
  6. Overflowing with reflective energy
  7. Time to reflect on your family
  8. Considered a lucky day
  9. A day to heal and renew energy
  10. A time of renewal and inspiration
  11. Powers of the sun and moon converge
  12. Tap into new sources of energy
  13. A great day for exploring new possibilities
  14. Opportunity to tap into the power of the universe
  15. A day of profound, reflective energy

A tarot card of a fountain with the sun crying rivers into it. The card is sitting in bubbling water near flowers

About the 10th Lunar Day

The 10th Lunar Day, a remarkable part of the lunar calendar, coincides with the Waxing Gibbous moon phase. This phase is especially significant because it represents a time when the moon is more than half illuminated but not yet full. As we navigate through the lunar month, the 10th day stands as a pivotal moment in the ongoing cycle, acting as a beacon that leads us from the first quarter towards the upcoming full moon. The moon is expanding, and so are the opportunities and energies around us.

This day is symbolized by the Fountain, an icon that signifies both a source and an outpouring of energy. Much like a fountain’s perpetual flow, this day provides a unique blend of renewal, abundance, and reflection. It’s an occasion where you can tap into reservoirs of energy that may have seemed unreachable or even unknown before.

One of the central themes of the 10th Lunar Day is rest. While it might seem counterintuitive, sometimes halting our constant busyness allows us to tap into new sources of energy and inspiration. When we pause, we create space for something new to enter our lives. For those who find it challenging to stop and take a breath, this day serves as a powerful reminder to do so.

Alongside rest, another cornerstone of this day is reflection. The Waxing Gibbous phase indicates a period where the energies of both the sun and the moon come together, offering a harmonious balance for introspection. You can delve into the depths of your inner self and explore who you are, where you come from, and where you wish to go. Reflecting on your family tree, your lineage, and your roots might yield insightful and tangible results. This is also a good time to meditate over your karma, to assess how your past actions might influence your future.

When discussing karma, the concept is more than just the consequences of your actions; it also offers a lens to view your life’s journey. Understanding karma during this particular lunar day allows for an increased awareness of the spiritual laws of cause and effect. These laws impact your past, present, and future, offering you the unique opportunity to align your actions with your higher goals and ideals.

Interestingly, the 10th Lunar Day is also considered lucky in most traditions. Whether you’re planning to start a new business venture or make significant life choices, the energies of this day are conducive to success and prosperity. And yet, despite the day’s potential for outward abundance, its true power lies in its promise of internal richness.

Another fascinating aspect of this day is its focus on family and traditions. Whether it’s a family dinner or simply a heartfelt conversation, interactions with loved ones are especially rewarding and can serve as a new source of energy. Delving into family traditions can reveal information and strength that propel your movement forward. In essence, your roots and heritage become a wellspring of wisdom and energy on this day.

Taking all of these aspects into account, the 10th Lunar Day is a complex, yet incredibly rewarding day, filled with opportunities for both introspection and action. Its place in the Waxing Gibbous phase of the moon cycle serves to amplify its inherent qualities, making it not just another day but a unique chance for renewal, reflection, and growth. Whether you’re an astrology veteran or someone who’s new to the lunar cycle, this day holds something for everyone, offering us all the perfect opportunity to become the best version of ourselves.

A statue of a fountain overflowing with jewels and gems among mystic treasures, candles, and flowers

Understanding the Symbol of the 10th Lunar Day

The symbol often associated with the 10th Lunar Day is the Fountain. At first glance, a fountain may seem like a simple architectural or decorative feature, often seen in parks or gardens. However, when applied to the context of the 10th Lunar Day, the symbol gains profound meaning and insights into the energies and themes that the day encapsulates.

The fountain represents an endless cycle of renewal, a continuous flow of water that goes from the source to the surface and back again. This mirrors the energies present on the 10th Lunar Day, where renewal and reflection are core themes. The water in the fountain can symbolize a range of things—from emotions and thoughts to events and opportunities—constantly in motion, always changing yet stemming from the same source.

This day is not just about flowing with the energy but also about returning to the source—your inner self, your origin, your essence. It serves as a reminder that no matter how far you’ve drifted or how much you’ve changed, you can always return to your roots for rejuvenation and insight. The continuous flow also hints at a never-ending cycle, subtly emphasizing the importance of karma and the continuous influence of our actions, words, and thoughts on our present and future.

The fountain, as a symbol, also brings forth ideas of abundance and overflow. Much like how a well-designed fountain keeps circulating without drying up, the 10th Lunar Day is believed to be a day of abundance, where energies are plentiful, and opportunities are ripe for the taking. This is a time where both material and spiritual gains can be expected, provided one aligns their actions and intentions with the larger energies at play.

Thus, the Fountain serves as an apt metaphor, encapsulating the myriad elements that define the 10th Lunar Day. It symbolizes the essence of the day—constant flow, renewal, and a return to origins. These are not just themes but energies that you can tap into, offering a wellspring of opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

A tarot card of a fountain with the sun crying rivers into it. The card is sitting in bubbling water near flowers

What to Do on the Tenth Lunar Day?

  • Meditate on Your Karma: Spend some quiet time meditating, focusing specifically on your karmic cycle, the choices you’ve made, and the lessons you’ve learned. This can bring balance and clarity to your life.
  • Reflect on Family and Roots: Today is an excellent day for diving into your family history. Consider creating or revisiting a family tree, and appreciate the wisdom and strength that comes from your lineage.
  • Clarify Life Goals: Use the day’s reflective energies to gain a clearer understanding of your life goals. Make a list or vision board to visually represent your future aspirations, and set actionable steps to achieve them.
  • Engage in Renewal Activities: Consider engaging in activities that promote physical and mental renewal, like taking a bath, spending time in nature, or visiting a spa. These actions can enhance your well-being and align you with the day’s energies.
  • Initiate New Projects: Given that the 10th Lunar Day is considered lucky and abundant, it’s an opportune time to start new projects or make significant life decisions. These initiatives are likely to carry the positive energies and blessings of the day into their unfolding.

What to Avoid on the Tenth Lunar Day?

  • Isolation: Loneliness is not recommended on this day. The energy is conducive to family and community, so avoid spending the day in solitude.
  • Superficiality: Given the day’s emphasis on deep reflection and karmic understanding, avoid being superficial or engaging in shallow conversations and activities.
  • Ending Relationships: Whether personal or professional, it’s advisable not to end relationships on this day. The day’s energy supports creation and growth, not endings.
  • Neglecting Family: Given the day’s focus on family and roots, it’s not a good time to neglect familial responsibilities or ignore your loved ones.
  • Hasty Decisions: While the day is good for initiating new projects, avoid making hasty or uninformed decisions. The reflective energy of the day should be used for thoughtful planning and consideration.

A statue of a fountain overflowing with jewels and gems among mystic treasures, candles, and flowers

Practical Tips for the Tenth Lunar Day

The 10th Lunar Day offers a unique palette of energies that can empower your life in meaningful ways. Seizing the day’s opportunities can be more fruitful when you have some practical guidance on how to align your actions with the essence of this special day. Here’s how you can practically tap into the unique offerings of the 10th Lunar Day.

Firstly, consider arranging a family gathering. Invite your close family members for a meal or even a simple tea session. This day particularly emphasizes the importance of understanding your roots, and what better way to connect with them than through immediate family? Discuss family history, traditions, or even delve into old photo albums. The act of understanding where you come from could be the key to unlocking new sources of energy and inspiration.

Secondly, the day lends itself well to deep meditation and self-reflection. You don’t have to be adept at meditating; the aim is to take out some time for self-examination. You could focus on your life goals, your karmic path, or any other topic that allows you to dive deep within yourself. If meditating alone seems daunting, you might find guided meditations focused on self-discovery and life path a useful tool.

Finally, grab a journal and jot down your reflections. This can be an extension of your meditation or a separate exercise. Write down what you’ve discovered about yourself, your dreams, your goals, and any insights about your life’s journey so far. Journaling offers a tangible way to interact with your thoughts, which might provide a clearer understanding of where you are and where you’d like to go.

By actively engaging in these activities, you can harness the unique energies of the 10th Lunar Day to rejuvenate, reevaluate, and refocus your energies for the days ahead.


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